Senin, 29 Maret 2010

Warriors Orochi 2
Ability FAQ
As played on: Xbox 360
Version 1.2

Last updated: February 1, 2009

Written by Daan Spoor.

Gamefaq ID: Tha_Danus

Table of Contents

Version History.......................................................[VH]
About Abilities.......................................................[ABA]
Ability List..........................................................[ALIST]
Characters and their respective abilities.............................[CLIST]
    Other 1...........................................................[ALO1]
    Other 2...........................................................[ALO2]
    Samurai Warriors 1................................................[ALSW1]
    Samurai Warriors 2................................................[ALSW2]
    Samurai Warriors 3................................................[ALSW3]
Characters per ability ...............................................[CPAL]
In Conclusion.........................................................[ICN]

Introduction                                                           [INTRO]

So, welcome to my first FAQ. I decided to create this FAQ about abilities
because there isn't one on GameFAQs, and when I played the first Warriors
Orochi, I found it to be quite handy. Of course, you'll want to play every 
character anyway, so you'll get the abilities in the end, but with this 
guide you'll be able to get your most wanted abilities a bit faster.

Version History                                                           [VH]

Version 1.2 (02/01/2009)

Edited the list of characters to reflect their in-game order.
Also did this for the characters per abilities list.

Version 1.1 (01/28/2009)

Added permissions of sites that can use this FAQ.

Version 1.0 (01/24/2009)

Finished listing the abilities of every character. Should be everything.

About Abilities                                                          [ABA]

Abilities are gained by completing certain requirements while playing
with a character. The requirements can be viewed in the Team Info tab
in the Camp window, from there select the character you wish to view,
and then select Ability Acquisition. You will now see the next ability
to be learned with a description, and the requirements.

You can also view this while fighting a battle, simply go to the 
Team Info tab in the menu (press 'Start'), then select Team Info,
the character you wish to view, and Ability Acquisition.
You will see the same thing as before the battle, but now you'll
also see what's left for you to do to get the ability.

Abilities you equip will apply to all characters in your team. You might want
to keep this in mind when thinking about equipping Power, Speed or Technique,
since this will only boost the attack of the respective type of character.

Abilities can be gained in any level, on any difficulty. You can do it in
Story mode, or in Free mode, it won't matter. What does matter is that
kills you need for an objective have to be made with that specific character.
For example, if you're playing with Liu Bei, Zhao Yun and Guan Yu, and you
want Guan Yu's first ability, Potence, you'll have to kill the required
3 officers with Guan Yu. Only then will it count.

Abilities will stack up. So, if you already gained Vitality with one
character, getting it with an additional character will level up the ability
to level 2, etcetera.

Ability List                                                           [ALIST]

Name       |Max level | Details                                             |
Vitality   |    20    | Increases the maximum level of your Life Gauge.     |
Focus      |    20    | Increases the maximum level of your Musou Gauge.    |
Potence    |    20    | Increases your Attack.                              |
Fortitude  |    20    | Increases your Defense.                             |
Impulse    |    20    | Increases your Speed.                               |
cavalier   |    15    | Increases Attack and Defense while mounted.         |
           |          | Also enables you to begin a battle on a horse.      |
           |          | At level 10 you'll start on Red Hare (fastest horse |
           |          | in the game) for Dynasty Warriors (Chinese)         |
           |          | characters, or Matsukaze for Samurai Warriors       |
           |          | (Japanese) characters. At this moment I'm not yet   |
           |          | entirely sure what those last 5 levels are for, but |
           |          | perhaps, as the description says, making your attack|
           |          | and defense stronger while on a horse. Will update  |
           |          | when my Cavalier skill is at 15. ^^                 |
Karma      |    15    | Increases your Luck (for finding better weapons,    |
           |          | and enemies will drop more items).                  |
Power      |    20    | Strengthens Attack of Power Category Characters.    |
Speed      |    20    | Strengthens Attack of Speed Category Characters.    |
Technique  |    20    | Strengthens Attack of Technique Category Characters.|
Boost      |    20    | Strengthens Charge Attack.                          |
Awakening  |    20    | Strengthens attacks which use up the Musou Gauge.   |
Acclaim    |    20    | Increases EXP Points acquired.                      |
Recuperate |    15    | Increases the speed with which the Musou Gauge.     |
           |          | of inactive characters fill.                        |
Conserve   |    15    | Decreases the rate at which your Musou Gauge     |
           |          | is depleted.                                        |
Adrenalin  |    15    | Life is recovered when a certain number of          |
           |          | consecutive attacks are successfully executed.      |
           |          | In short, this means you'll gain health for every   |
           |          | successful 10-combo chain.
Recover    |    15    | Life Gauge gradually refills.                       |
Refill     |    15    | Musou Gauge gradually refills.                      |

Characters and their respective abilities                              [CLIST]

Depending on the character you're playing with, you can either unlock 3 or 4
abilities. There's a total of 325 abilities to be unlocked with 94 characters,
so expect to be busy with this for quite a while. But if you're after getting
everything done (completist, hell yeah!), there's a Wallpaper Editor to be
gotten if you play with all characters at least once, so hey, at least you're
working towards something. And of course the achievement for getting a total
ability level of 150 also helps.

Only one ability will be gainable per battle per character. Kills made on one
character will not count towards the goals of another character on your team.
When you complete the requirement, and have won the battle, the next one will
be available to be gotten. That's why there's this order of 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4.
The stage or difficulty you're playing on have no effect whatsoever, so you
can even play on Chaos if you want, but just keep in mind that requirements
such as killing 6 officers within 8 minutes will be a bit...tougher then.

When the requirement is 'without using any Musou attacks', you can't
use -any- attacks using the Musou bar. So no special attack or counterattack.
Not even when you have the infinite Musou item, since when using the Musou 
it instantly restores itself, it isn't free of cost. 
However, when using a Speed character, your specials will be free of cost,
so you can still use those without worrying (tested it myself).

Shin Orochi (Orochi X), Dodomekki and Gyuki have no abilities, since they're
multiplayer-only characters.

=   Shu   =                                                            [ALSHU]

Zhao Yun
1) Vitality - Defeat 3 officers
2) Refill - Defeat 3 officers while maintaining at least 30% life
3) Fortitude - Defeat 110 enemies within 10 minutes from the start of 
               the battle
4) Speed - Defeat 180 enemies within 8 minutes of the start of the battle,
           without using any Musou attacks

Guan Yu
1) Potence - Defeat 3 officers
2) Cavalier - Defeat 70 enemies while maintaining at least 30% life
3) Vitality - Defeat 100 enemies, including 4 officers
4) Power - Defeat 180 enemies within 8 minutes of the start of the battle, 
           without using any Musou attacks

Zhang Fei
1) Vitality - Defeat 3 officers
2) Power - Defeat 70 enemies, including 3 officers
3) Potence - Defeat 110 enemies while maintaining at least 50% life
4) Refill - Defeat 180 enemies while maintaining at least 65% life,
            and without using any Musou attacks

Zhuge Liang
1) Awakening - Defeat 60 enemies
2) Boost - Defeat 80 enemies while maintaining at least 30% life
3) Focus - Defeat 4 officers within 10 minutes from the start of the battle
4) Conserve - Defeat 6 officers within 8 minutes from the start of the 
              battle, without using any Musou attacks

Liu Bei
1) Fortitude - Defeat 60 enemies
2) Speed - Defeat 70 enemies, including 3 officers
3) Cavalier - Defeat 3 officers while maintaining more than 50% life, 
              and without using any Musou attacks

Ma Chao
1) Potence - Defeat 3 officers
2) Impulse - Defeat 80 enemies within 12 minutes of the start of the battle
3) Cavalier - Defeat 100 enemies within 10 minutes of the start of the
              battle, without using any Musou attacks
4) Power - Defeat 6 officers within 8 minutes from the start of the battle,
           without using any Musou attacks

Huang Zhong
1) Recover - Defeat 3 officers
2) Focus - Defeat 70 enemies, including 3 officers
3) Speed - Defeat 110 enemies while maintaining at least 50% life

Jiang Wei
1) Potence - Defeat 60 enemies
2) Technique - Defeat 3 officers within 12 minutes of the start of the battle
3) Awakening - Defeat 110 enemies while maintaining at least 50% life
4) Recuperate - Defeat 180 enemies within 8 minutes of the start of the
                battle, without using any Musou attacks

Wei Yan
1) Technique - Defeat 3 officers
2) Impulse - Defeat 70 enemies, including 3 officers
3) Refill - Defeat 100 enemies within 10 minutes of the start of the battle,
            without using any Musou attacks

Pang Tong
1) Focus - Defeat 60 enemies
2) Technique - Defeat 3 officers within 12 minutes of the start of the battle
3) Awakening - Defeat 110 enemies while maintaining at least 50% life
4) Conserve - Defeat 6 officers within 8 minutes from the start of the
              battle, without using any Musou attacks

Yue Ying
1) Speed - Defeat 60 enemies
2) Awakening - Defeat 3 officers within 12 minutes of the start of the battle
3) Conserve - Defeat 3 officers while maintaining at least 50% life,
              without using any Musou attacks
4) Fortitude - Defeat 180 enemies within 6 minutes from the start
               of the battle

Guan Ping
1) Vitality - Defeat 3 officers
2) Power - Defeat 70 enemies, including 3 officers
3) Acclaim - Defeat 3 officers within 10 minutes from the start of the
             battle, without using any Musou attacks
4) Potence - Defeat 180 enemies within 6 minutes from the start of the battle

Xing Cai
1) Technique - Defeat 3 officers
2) Impulse - Defeat 80 enemies within 12 minutes of the start of the battle
3) Refill - Defeat 100 enemies while maintaining more than 50% life, 
            and without using any Musou attacks
4) Fortitude - Defeat 180 enemies within 6 minutes of the start of the battle

=   Wei   =                                                            [ALWEI]

Xiahou Dun
1) Vitality - 3 officers
2) Adrenalin - Defeat 3 officers while maintaining at least 30% life
3) Technique - Defeat 110 enemies while maintaining at least 50% life
4) Potence - Defeat 180 enemies, including 6 officers

Dian Wei
1) Vitality - Defeat 3 officers
2) Potence - Defeat 80 enemies within 12 minutes of the start of the battle
3) Speed - Defeat 4 officers while maintaining at least 50% life
4) Acclaim - Defeat 6 officers while maintaining at least 65% life,
             without using any Musou attacks

Xu Zhu
1) Karma - Defeat 60 enemies
2) Vitality - Defeat 3 officers within 12 minutes of the start of the battle
3) Power - Defeat 4 officers while maintaining at least 50% life
4) Refill - Defeat 180 enemies while maintaining at least 65% life,
            without using any Musou attacks

Cao Cao
1) Focus - Defeat 60 enemies 
2) Acclaim - Defeat 3 officers while maintaining at least 30% life
3) Technique - Defeat 4 officers while maintaining at least 50% life

Xiahou Yuan
1) Power - Defeat 60 enemies
2) Awakening - Defeat 3 officers within 12 minutes of the start of the battle
3) Vitality - Defeat 110 enemies, including 4 officers
4) Recover - Defeat 180 enemies while maintaining at least 65% life,
             without using any Musou attacks

Zhang Liao
1) Cavalier - Defeat 50 enemies
2) Power - Defeat 3 officers within 12 minutes of the start of the battle
3) Focus - Defeat 100 enemies, including 4 officers
4) Potence - Defeat 180 enemies, including 6 officers

Sima Yi
1) Technique - Defeat 60 enemies
2) Awakening - Defeat 80 enemies while maintaining at least 30% life
3) Conserve - Defeat 3 officers while maintaining at least 50% life,
              without using any Musou attacks

Xu Huang
1) Refill - Defeat 3 officers
2) Focus - Defeat 80 enemies within 12 minutes of the start of the battle
3) Vitality - Defeat 100 enemies, including 4 officers
4) Speed - Defeat 180 enemies while maintaining at least 65% life,
           without using any Musou attacks

Zhang He
1) Impulse - Defeat 3 officers
2) Technique - Defeat 70 enemies, including 3 officers
3) Adrenalin - Defeat 3 officers within 10 minutes from the start of the
               battle, without using any Musou attacks

Zhen Ji
1) Focus - Defeat 60 enemies
2) Technique - Defeat 70 enemies, including 3 officers
3) Recover - Defeat 100 enemies while maintaining at least 50% life, without
             using any Musou attacks

Cao Ren
1) Fortitude - Defeat 3 officers
2) Boost - Defeat 80 enemies while maintaining at least 30% life
3) Recuperate - Defeat 100 enemies within 10 minutes of the start of the
                battle, without using any Musou attacks

Cao Pi
1) Fortitude - Defeat 60 enemies
2) Acclaim - Defeat 3 officers while maintaining at least 30% life
3) Boost - Defeat 110 enemies while maintaining at least 50% life
4) Speed - Defeat 180 enemies within 8 minutes of the start of the battle,
           without using any Musou attacks

Pang De
1) Potence - Defeat 3 officers
2) Power - Defeat 70 enemies, including 3 officers
3) Acclaim - Defeat 110 enemies while maintaining at least 50% life
4) Awakening - Defeat 5 officers within 8 minutes from the start of the
               battle, without using any Musou attacks

=   Wu   =                                                              [ALWU]

Zhou Yu
1) Adrenalin - Defeat 60 enemies
2) Focus - Defeat 70 enemies, including 3 officers
3) Speed - Defeat 110 enemies while maintaining at least 50% life
4) Awakening - Defeat 5 officers within 8 minutes from the start of the
               battle, without using any Musou attacks

Lu Xun
1) Impulse - Defeat 60 enemies
2) Speed - Defeat 70 enemies, including 3 officers
3) Awakening - Defeat 110 enemies while maintaining at least 50% life
4) Conserve - Defeat 6 officers within 8 minutes from the start of the
              battle, without using any Musou attacks

Taishi Ci
1) Vitality - Defeat 3 officers
2) Potence - Defeat 80 enemies within 12 minutes of the start of the battle
3) Boost - Defeat 110 enemies while maintaining at least 50% life
4) Acclaim - Defeat 6 officers while maintaining at least 65% life,
             without using any Musou attacks

Sun Shang Xiang
1) Impulse - Defeat 60 enemies
2) Adrenalin - Defeat 3 officers while maintaining at least 60% life
3) Focus - Defeat 4 officers within 10 minutes of the start of the battle
4) Technique - Defeat 180 enemies within 8 minutes of the start of the
               battle, without using any Musou attacks

Sun Jian
1) Potence - Defeat 60 enemies
2) Acclaim - Defeat 70 enemies, including 3 officers
3) Boost - Defeat 4 officers while maintaining at least 50% life

Sun Quan
1) Power - Defeat 3 officers
2) Fortitude - Defeat 80 enemies within 12 minutes of the start of the battle
3) Acclaim - Defeat 100 enemies while maintaining at least 50% life,
             without using any Musou attacks
4) Awakening - Defeat 5 officers within 8 minutes from the start of the
               battle, without using any Musou attacks

Lu Meng
1) Boost - Defeat 3 officers
2) Awakening - Defeat 3 officers while maintaining at least 30% life
3) Acclaim - Defeat 3 officers while maintaining at least 50% life,
             without using any Musou attacks

Gan Ning
1) Awakening - Defeat 3 officers
2) Technique - Defeat 80 enemies within 12 minutes of the start of the battle
3) Impulse - Defeat 110 enemies, including 4 officers
4) Adrenalin - Defeat 6 officers within 8 minutes from the start of the
               battle, without using any Musou attacks

Huang Gai
1) Potence - Defeat 60 enemies
2) Fortitude - Defeat 3 officers within 12 minutes of the start of the battle
3) Power - Defeat 4 officers while maintaining at least 50% life
4) Acclaim - Defeat 6 officers while maintaining at least 65% life,
             without using any Musou attacks

Sun Ce
1) Fortitude - Defeat 3 officers
2) Power - Defeat 80 enemies within 12 minutes of the start of the battle
3) Awakening - Defeat 110 enemies while maintaining at least 50% life
4) Acclaim - Defeat 6 officers while maintaining at least 65% life,
             without using any Musou attacks

Da Qiao
1) Impulse - Defeat 60 enemies
2) Speed - Defeat 70 enemies, including 3 officers
3) Recuperate - Defeat 100 enemies within 10 minutes of the start of the
                battle, without using any Musou attacks

Xiao Qiao
1) Technique - Defeat 60 enemies
2) Karma - Defeat 80 enemies while maintaining at least 30% life
3) Refill - Defeat 100 enemies while maintaining at least 50% life,
            without using any Musou attacks

Zhou Tai
1) Vitality - Defeat 3 officers
2) Impulse - Defeat 80 enemies within 12 minutes of the start of the battle
3) Technique - Defeat 4 officers while maintaining at least 50% life
4) Recuperate - Defeat 180 enemies within 8 minutes of the start of the
                battle, without using any Musou attacks

Ling Tong
1) Impulse - Defeat 60 enemies
2) Technique - Defeat 70 enemies, including 3 officers
3) Adrenalin - Defeat 100 enemies within 10 minutes of the start of the
               battle, without using any Musou attacks
4) Karma - Defeat 5 officers within 8 minutes from the start of the battle,
           without using any Musou attacks

=   Other 1   =                                                         [ALO1]

Diao Chan
1) Focus - Defeat 60 enemies
2) Speed - Defeat 70 enemies, including 3 officers
3) Recover - Defeat 100 enemies while maintaining at least 50% life,
             without using any Musou attacks

Lu Bu
1) Vitality - Defeat 3 officers
2) Potence - Defeat 80 enemies within 12 minutes of the start of the battle
3) Cavalier - Defeat 100 enemies within 10 minutes of the start of the
              battle, without using any Musou attacks
4) Power - Defeat 6 officers within 8 minutes from the start of the battle,
           without using any Musou attacks

Dong Zhuo
1) Vitality - Defeat 3 officers
2) Power - Defeat 70 enemies, including 3 officers
3) Recuperate - Defeat 100 enemies within 10 minutes of the start of the
                battle, without using any Musou attacks

Yuan Shao
1) Speed - Defeat 60 enemies
2) Fortitude - Defeat 3 officers within 12 minutes of the start of the battle
3) Acclaim - Defeat 3 officers within 10 minutes from the start of the
             battle, without using any Musou attacks
4) Karma - Defeat 5 officers while maintaining at least 65% life,
           without using any Musou attacks

Zhang Jiao
1) Karma - Defeat 60 enemies
2) Recover - Defeat 3 officers while maintaining at least 65% life
3) Speed - Defeat 110 enemies while maintaining at least 50% life
4) Awakening - Defeat 5 officers within 8 minutes from the start of the
               battle, without using any Musou attacks

Meng Huo
1) Power - Defeat 60 enemies
2) Vitality - Defeat 3 officers within 12 minutes of the start of the battle
3) Karma - Defeat 4 officers while maintaining at least 50% life
4) Acclaim - Defeat 6 officers while maintaining at least 65% life,
             without using any Musou attacks

Zhu Rong
1) Potence - Defeat 3 officers
2) Power - Defeat 80 enemies within 12 minutes of the start of the battle
3) Awakening - Defeat 110 enemies while maintaining at least 50% life
4) Conserve - Defeat 6 officers within 8 minutes from the start of the
              battle, without using any Musou attacks

Zuo Ci
1) Acclaim - Defeat 60 enemies
2) Potence - Defeat 3 officers within 12 minutes of the start of the battle
3) Focus - Defeat 4 officers while maintaining at least 50% life
4) Technique - Defeat 6 officers while maintaining at least 65% life, without
               using any Musou attacks

=   Other 2   =                                                         [ALO2]

1) Boost - Defeat 60 enemies
2) Acclaim - Defeat 3 officers while maintaining at least 30% life
3) Refill - Defeat 3 officers within 10 minutes from the start of the battle,
            without using any Musou attacks
4) Potence - Defeat 160 enemies, including 6 officers

Da Ji
1) Fortitude - Defeat 3 officers
2) Adrenalin - Defeat 3 officers while maintaining at least 30% life
3) Boost - Defeat 110 enemies while maintaining at least 50% life
4) Focus - Defeat 180 enemies within 6 minutes of the start of the battle

Taigong Wang
1) Cavalier - Defeat 3 officers
2) Karma - Defeat 70 enemies, including 3 officers
3) Recuperate - Defeat 110 enemies within 10 minutes of the start
   of the battle

Sun Wukong
1) Conserve - Defeat 60 enemies
2) Adrenalin - Defeat 70 enemies, including 3 officers
3) Recover - Defeat 100 enemies within 10 minutes of the start of the battle,
             without using any Musou attack

Fu Xi
1) Refill - Defeat 60 enemies
2) Cavalier - Defeat 70 enemies, including 3 officers
3) Karma - Defeat 3 officers within 10 minutes of the start of the battle,
           without using any Musou attack

Nu Wa
1) Recuperate - Defeat 3 officers
2) Conserve - Defeat 80 enemies while maintaining at least 30% life
3) Adrenalin - Defeat 100 enemies while maintaining at least 50% life,
               without using any Musou attacks

Yoshitsune Minamoto
1) Recover - Defeat 60 enemies
2) Refill - Defeat 70 enemies, including 3 officers
3) Cavalier - Defeat 100 enemies within 10 minutes of the start of the
              battle, without using any Musou attacks

Kiyomori Taira
1) Karma - Defeat 3 officers
2) Recuperate - Defeat 3 officers while maintaining at least 30% life
3) Conserve - Defeat 100 enemies, including 4 officers

1) Adrenalin - Defeat 60 enemies
2) Recover - Defeat 70 enemies, including 3 officers

=   Samurai Warriors 1   =                                             [ALSW1]

Yukimura Sanada
1) Potence - Defeat 3 officers
2) Fortitude - Defeat 80 enemies within 12 minutes of the start of the battle
3) Speed - Defeat 4 officers while maintaining at least 50% life
4) Adrenalin - Defeat 6 officers within 8 minutes from the start of the
               battle, without using any Musou attacks

Keiji Maeda
1) Potence - Defeat 60 enemies
2) Cavalier - Defeat 70 enemies while maintaining at least 30% life
3) Power - Defeat 110 enemies, including 4 officers

Nobunaga Oda
1) Boost - Defeat 60 enemies
2) Fortitude - Defeat 3 officers within 12 minutes of the start of the battle
3) Acclaim - Defeat 3 officers while maintaining at least 50% life,
             without using any Musou attacks
4) Focus - Defeat 180 enemies within 6 minutes from the start of the battle

Mitsuhide Akechi
1) Cavalier - Defeat 50 enemies
2) Impulse - Defeat 3 officers within 12 minutes of the start of the battle
3) Fortitude - Defeat 100 enemies, including 4 officers
4) Technique - Defeat 180 enemies within 6 minutes from the start of the battle

Goemon Ishikawa
1) Vitality - Defeat 60 enemies
2) Power - Defeat 70 enemies, including 3 officers
3) Awakening - Defeat 110 enemies while maintaining at least 50% life
4) Recover - Defeat 180 enemies while maintaining at least 65% life,
             without using any Musou attacks

Kenshin Uesugi
1) Awakening - Defeat 3 officers
2) Power - Defeat 70 enemies, including 3 officers
3) Fortitude - Defeat 110 enemies within 10 minutes from the start
               of the battle
4) Acclaim - Defeat 6 officers while maintaining at least 65% life,
             without using any Musou attacks

1) Focus - Defeat 60 enemies
2) Recuperate - Defeat 70 enemies, including 3 officers
3) Speed - Defeat 100 enemies within 10 minutes of the start of the battle,
           without using any Musou attacks

1) Focus - Defeat 60 enemies
2) Speed - Defeat 70 enemies, including 3 officers
3) Karma - Defeat 3 officers within 10 minutes from the start of the battle,
           without using any Musou attacks
4) Recover - Defeat 180 enemies while maintaining at least 65% life,
             without using any Musou attacks

1) Impulse - Defeat 3 officers
2) Boost - Defeat 80 enemies while maintaining at least 30% life
3) Recover - Defeat 100 enemies while maintaining at least 50% life,
             without using any Musou attacks

Magoichi Saika
1) Recuperate - Defeat 60 enemies
2) Speed - Defeat 70 enemies, including 3 officers
3) Karma - Defeat 100 enemies within 10 minutes of the start of the battle,
           without using any Musou attacks

Shingen Takeda
1) Fortitude - Defeat 3 officers
2) Acclaim - Defeat 3 officers while maintaining at least 30% life
3) Vitality - Defeat 100 enemies, including 4 officers
4) Boost - Defeat 180 enemies while maintaining at least 65% life,
           without using any Musou attacks

Masamune Date
1) Impulse - Defeat 60 enemies
2) Recover - Defeat 70 enemies, including 3 officers
3) Technique - Defeat 100 enemies while maintaining at least 50% life, 
               without using any Musou attacks

=   Samurai Warriors 2   =                                             [ALSW2]

Noh [using this spelling because macrons don't work with ASCII]
1) Technique - Defeat 60 enemies
2) Impulse - Defeat 70 enemies, including 3 officers
3) Recover - Defeat 100 enemies while maintaining at least 50% life, 
             without using any Musou attacks

Hanzo Hattori
1) Focus - Defeat 60 enemies
2) Recuperate - Defeat 3 officers within 12 minutes of the start
                of the battle
3) Impulse - Defeat 4 officers while maintaining at least 50% life
4) Speed - Defeat 180 enemies within 8 minutes of the start of the battle,
           without using any Musou attacks

Ranmaru Mori
1) Boost - Defeat 60 enemies
2) Vitality - Defeat 3 officers within 12 minutes of the start of the battle
3) Refill - Defeat 100 enemies while maintaining at least 50% life,
            without using any Musou attacks
4) Awakening - Defeat 5 officers within 8 minutes from the start of the
               battle, without using any Musou attacks

Hideyoshi Toyotomi
1) Karma - Defeat 60 enemies
2) Speed - Defeat 70 enemies, including 3 officers
3) Impulse - Defeat 3 officers within 10 minutes from the start of the
             battle, without using any Musou attacks
4) Acclaim - Defeat 6 officers while maintaining at least 65% life,
             without using any Musou attacks

Yoshimoto Imagawa
1) Focus - Defeat 3 officers
2) Cavalier - Defeat 70 enemies while maintaining at least 30% life
3) Boost - Defeat 4 officers while maintaining at least 50% life

Tadakatsu Honda
1) Power - Defeat 3 officers
2) Vitality - Defeat 80 enemies within 12 minutes of the start of the battle
3) Fortitude - Defeat 4 officers while maintaining at least 50% life
4) Acclaim - Defeat 6 officers while maintaining at least 65% life,
             without using any Musou attacks

1) Fortitude - Defeat 3 officers
2) Boost - Defeat 80 enemies while maintaining at least 30% life
3) Recuperate - Defeat 100 enemies within 10 minutes of the start of the
                battle, without using any Musou attacks

Ieyasu Tokugawa
1) Cavalier - Defeat 50 enemies
2) Boost - Defeat 80 enemies while maintaining at least 30% life
3) Fortitude - Defeat 4 officers within 10 minutes from the start
               of the battle
4) Awakening - Defeat 5 officers within 8 minutes from the start of the
               battle, without using any Musou attacks

Mitsunari Ishida
1) Conserve - Defeat 60 enemies
2) Technique - Defeat 3 officers while maintaining at least 30% life
3) Vitality - Defeat 100 enemies, including 4 officers
4) Focus - Defeat 180 enemies within 6 minutes from the start of the battle

Nagamasa Azai
1) Awakening - Defeat 3 officers
2) Conserve - Defeat 80 enemies while maintaining at least 30% life
3) Impulse - Defeat 4 officers while maintaining at least 50% life
4) Boost - Defeat 6 officers within 8 minutes from the start of the battle,
           without using any Musou attacks

Sakon Shima
1) Fortitude - Defeat 60 enemies
2) Conserve - Defeat 3 officers while maintaining at least 30% life
3) Boost - Defeat 110 enemies while maintaining at least 50% life

=   Samurai Warriors 3   =                                             [ALSW3]

Yoshihiro Shimazu
1) Cavalier - Defeat 50 enemies
2) Potence - Defeat 3 officers within 12 minutes of the start of the battle
3) Vitality - Defeat 100 enemies, including 4 officers
4) Power - Defeat 180 enemies within 8 minutes of the start of the battle,
           without using any Musou attacks

Ginchiyo Tachibana
1) Impulse - Defeat 3 officers
2) Focus - Defeat 80 enemies within 12 minutes of the start of the battle
3) Boost - Defeat 110 enemies while maintaining at least 50% life
4) Refill - Defeat 180 enemies while maintaining at least 65% life,
            without using any Musou attacks

Kanetsugu Naoe
1) Focus - Defeat 60 enemies
2) Boost - Defeat 80 enemies while maintaining at least 30% life
3) Conserve - Defeat 3 officers while maintaining at least 50% life,
              without using any Musou attacks

1) Impulse - Defeat 3 officers
2) Karma - Defeat 70 enemies while maintaining at least 30% life
3) Technique - Defeat 4 officers while maintaining at least 50% life
4) Recuperate - Defeat 180 enemies within 8 minutes of the start of the
                battle, without using any Musou attacks

Kotaro Fuma
1) Impulse - Defeat 3 officers
2) Boost - Defeat 80 enemies while maintaining at least 30% life
3) Adrenalin - Defeat 3 officers within 10 minutes of the start of the
               battle, without using any Musou attacks

Musashi Miyamoto
1) Potence - Defeat 3 officers
2) Speed - Defeat 70 enemies, including 3 officers
3) Adrenalin - Defeat 3 officers within 10 minutes from the start of the
               battle, without using any Musou attacks

Toshiie Maeda
1) Refill - Defeat 60 enemies
2) Cavalier - Defeat 70 enemies, including 3 officers
3) Karma - Defeat 100 enemies while maintaining at least 50% life, without
           using any Musou attacks

Motochika Chosokabe
1) Recuperate - Defeat 60 enemies
2) Conserve - Defeat 3 officers within 12 minutes of the start of the battle
3) Adrenalin - Defeat 4 officers while maintaining at least 50% life

1) Recover - Defeat 60 enemies
2) Refill - Defeat 3 officers within 12 minutes of the start of the battle
3) Cavalier - Defeat 100 enemies while maintaining at least 50% life, without
              using any Musou attacks

Kojiro Sasaki
1) Karma - Defeat 60 enemies
2) Recuperate - Defeat 70 enemies, including 3 officers
3) Conserve - Defeat 3 officers within 10 minutes of the start of the battle

Katsuie Shibata
1) Adrenalin - Defeat 3 officers
2) Recover - Defeat 70 enemies, while maintaining at least 30% life
3) Refill - Defeat 4 officers while maintaining at least 50% life

Characters per ability                                                  [CPAL]

The number between brackets is the number of the skill of the character. For
example, (1) means it's the first skill of that character he is able to
And to make it -really- easy to see what you have to do before being able to 
max an ability, I decided to add the stages per ability you need to complete
to unlock the characters needed to max that ability. Might come in handy I 

-   Vitality   -   20 total   -  How to unlock                               -
Zhao Yun                (1)   | Clear Shu #2 - Battle of Saika
Zhang Fei               (1)   | Initially available
Guan Ping               (1)   | Initially available
Xiahou Dun              (1)   | Clear Wei #2 - Battle of Si Shui Gate
Dian Wei                (1)   | Initially available
Taishi Ci               (1)   | Clear Wei #3 - Battle of Shizugatake
Zhou Tai                (1)   | Initially available
Lu Bu                   (1)   | Clear Wu #8 - Battle of Chi Bi
Dong Zhuo               (1)   | Initially available
Goemon Ishikawa         (1)   | Clear Wu #2 - Battle of Kanegasaki
Xu Zhu                  (2)   | Clear Wu #5 - Battle of Okehazama
Meng Huo                (2)   | Clear Wu #3 - Battle of Nan Zhong
Ranmaru Mori            (2)   | Initially available
Tadakatsu Honda         (2)   | Initially available
Guan Yu                 (3)   | Initially available
Xiahou Yuan             (3)   | Clear Wei #2 - Battle of Si Shui Gate
Xu Huang                (3)   | Initially available
Shingen Takeda          (3)   | Clear Samurai #2 - Battle of Ji Province
Mitsunari Ishida        (3)   | Clear Wei #7 - Battle of Tong Gate
Yoshihiro Shimazu       (3)   | Initially available

-    Focus    -    20 total   -  How to unlock                               -
Pang Tong               (1)   | Clear Wei #5 - Battle of Komaki-Nagakute
Cao Cao                 (1)   | Initially available
Zhen Ji                 (1)   | Clear Wei #5 - Battle of Komaki-Nagakute
Diao Chan               (1)   | Clear Wu #8 - Battle of Chi Bi
Oichi                   (1)   | Clear Wei #6 - Battle of Yamatai
Okuni                   (1)   | Initially available
Hanzo Hattori           (1)   | Initially available
Yoshimoto Imagawa       (1)   | Initially available
Kanetsugu Naoe          (1)   | Clear Samurai #3 - Battle of Hasedo
Huang Zhong             (2)   | Initially available
Xu Huang                (2)   | Initially available
Zhou Yu                 (2)   | Clear Wu #2 - Battle of Kanegasaki
Ginchiyo Tachibana      (2)   | Initially available
Zhuge Liang             (3)   | Clear Shu #6 - Battle of Odani Castle
                              |   or  Orochi #2 - Battle of Cheng Du
Zhang Liao              (3)   | Clear Shu #5 - Battle of Jia Meng Gate
Sun Shang Xiang         (3)   | Initially available
Zuo Ci                  (3)   | Clear Shu #1 - Battle of Shi Ting
Da Ji                   (4)   | Initially available
Nobunaga Oda            (4)   | Clear Wei #7 - Battle of Tong Gate
                              |   or  Samurai #6 - Battle of Hu Lao Gate
Mitsunari Ishida        (4)   | Clear Wei #7 - Battle of Tong Gate

-   Potence   -   20 total    -  How to unlock                               -
Guan Yu                 (1)   | Initially available
Ma Chao                 (1)   | Clear Wu #6 - Battle of Yang Ping Gate
Jiang Wei               (1)   | Clear Wei #3 - Battle of Shizugatake
Pang De                 (1)   | Clear Wu #5 - Battle of Okehazama
Sun Jian                (1)   | Initially available
Huang Gai               (1)   | Initially available
Lu Bu                   (1)   | Clear Wu #8 - Battle of Chi Bi
Zhu Rong                (1)   | Clear Wu #3 - Battle of Nan Zhong
Yukimura Sanada         (1)   | Clear Samurai #2 - Battle of Ji Province
Keiji Maeda             (1)   | Clear Orochi #1 - Battle of Odawara Castle
Musashi Miyamoto        (1)   | Initially available
Zhang Fei               (3)   | Initially available
Dian Wei                (2)   | Initially available
Taishi Ci               (2)   | Clear Wei #3 - Battle of Shizugatake
Zuo Ci                  (2)   | Clear Shu #1 - Battle of Shi Ting
Yoshihiro Shimazu       (2)   | Initially available
Guan Ping               (4)   | Initially available
Xiahou Dun              (4)   | Clear Wei #2 - Battle of Si Shui Gate
Zhang Liao              (4)   | Clear Shu #5 - Battle of Jia Meng Gate
Orochi                  (4)   | Initially available

-   Fortitude   -  20 total   -  How to unlock                               -
Liu Bei                 (1)   | Initially available
Cao Ren                 (1)   | Clear Wei #5 - Battle of Komaki-Nagakute
Cao Pi                  (1)   | Clear Wei #5 - Battle of Komaki-Nagakute
Sun Ce                  (1)   | Clear Wu #4 - Battle of Itsukushima 
                              |   or  Orochi #4 - Battle of He Fei
Da Ji                   (1)   | Initially available
Shingen Takeda          (1)   | Clear Samurai #2 - Battle of Ji Province
Ina                     (1)   | Initially available
Sakon Shima             (1)   | Initially available
Sun Quan                (2)   | Initially available
Huang Gai               (2)   | Initially available
Yuan Shao               (2)   | Clear Wei #3 - Battle of Shizugatake
Yukimura Sanada         (2)   | Clear Samurai #2 - Battle of Ji Province
Nobunaga Oda            (2)   | Clear Wei #7 - Battle of Tong Gate
                              |   or  Samurai #6 - Battle of Hu Lao Gate
Zhao Yun                (3)   | Clear Shu #2 - Battle of Saika
Mitsuhide Akechi        (3)   | Clear Shu #4 - Battle of Mt. Wu Xing
Kenshin Uesugi          (3)   | Clear Samurai #3 - Battle of Hasedo
Tadakatsu Honda         (3)   | Initially available
Ieyasu Tokugawa         (3)   | Initially available
Yue Ying                (4)   | Clear Shu #6 - Battle of Odani Castle
Xing Cai                (4)   | Initially available

-   Impulse   -   20 total    -  How to unlock                               -
Zhang He                (1)   | Initially available
Sun Shang Xiang         (1)   | Initially available
Lu Xun                  (1)   | Clear Shu #3 - Battle of Nagashino
Da Qiao                 (1)   | Clear Wu #4 - Battle of Itsukushima
                              |   or  Orochi #4 - Battle of He Fei
Ling Tong               (1)   | Initially available
Kunoichi                (1)   | Initially available
Masamune Date           (1)   | Clear Orochi #5 - Battle of Edo Castle
Ginchiyo Tachibana      (1)   | Initially available
Nene                    (1)   | Clear Shu #4 - Battle of Mt. Wu Xing
Kotaro Fuma             (1)   | Clear Orochi #1 - Battle of Odawara Castle
Ma Chao                 (2)   | Clear Wu #6 - Battle of Yang Ping Gate
Wei Yan                 (2)   | Clear Shu #2 - Battle of Saika
Xing Cai                (2)   | Initially available
Zhou Tai                (2)   | Initially available
Mitsuhide Akechi        (2)   | Clear Shu #4 - Battle of Mt. Wu Xing
Noh                     (2)   | Clear Samurai #6 - Battle of Hu Lao Gate
Gan Ning                (3)   | Clear Samurai #5 - Battle of Liang Province
Hanzo Hattori           (3)   | Initially available
Hideyoshi Toyotomi      (3)   | Clear Samurai #6 - Battle of Hu Lao Gate
Nagamasa Azai           (3)   | Clear Wei #6 - Battle of Yamatai

-   Cavalier   -   15 total   -  How to unlock                               -
Zhang Liao              (1)   | Clear Shu #5 - Battle of Jia Meng Gate
Taigong Wang            (1)   | Clear Shu #1 - Battle of Shi Ting
Mitsuhide Akechi        (1)   | Clear Shu #4 - Battle of Mt. Wu Xing
Ieyasu Tokugawa         (1)   | Initially available
Yoshihiro Shimazu       (1)   | Initially available
Guan Yu                 (2)   | Initially available
Fu Xi                   (2)   | Clear Samurai #3 - Battle of Hasedo
Keiji Maeda             (2)   | Clear Orochi #1 - Battle of Odawara Castle
Yoshimoto Imagawa       (2)   | Initially available
Toshiie Maeda           (2)   | Clear Wei #4 - Battle of Ji Castle
Liu Bei                 (3)   | Initially available
Ma Chao                 (3)   | Clear Wu #6 - Battle of Yang Ping Gate
Lu Bu                   (3)   | Clear Wu #8 - Battle of Chi Bi
Yoshitsune Minamoto     (3)   | Clear Wu #1 - Battle of Ru Xu Kou
Gracia                  (3)   | Clear Wei #4 - Battle of Mt. Wu Xing

-   Karma    -    15 total    -  How to unlock                               -
Xu Zhu                  (1)   | Clear Wu #5 - Battle of Okehazama
Zhang Jiao              (1)   | Clear Samurai #1 - Battle of Lou Sang
Kiyomori Taira          (1)   | Clear Samurai #8 - Battle of Sekigahara
Hideyoshi Toyotomi      (1)   | Clear Samurai #6 - Battle of Hu Lao Gate
Kojiro Sasaki           (1)   | Clear Samurai #2 - Battle of Ji Province
Xiao Qiao               (2)   | Clear Wu #2 - Battle of Kanegasaki
Taigong Wang            (2)   | Clear Shu #1 - Battle of Shi Ting
Nene                    (2)   | Clear Shu #4 - Battle of Mt. Wu Xing
Meng Huo                (3)   | Clear Wu #3 - Battle of Nan Zhong
Fu Xi                   (3)   | Clear Samurai #3 - Battle of Hasedo
Okuni                   (3)   | Initially available
Magoichi Saika          (3)   | Clear Wei #4 - Battle of Ji Castle
Toshiie Maeda           (3)   | Clear Wei #4 - Battle of Ji Castle
Ling Tong               (4)   | Initially available
Yuan Shao               (4)   | Clear Wei #3 - Battle of Shizugatake

-   Power    -    20 total    -  How to unlock                               -
Xiahou Yuan             (1)   | Clear Wei #2 - Battle of Si Shui Gate
Sun Quan                (1)   | Initially available
Meng Huo                (1)   | Clear Wu #3 - Battle of Nan Zhong
Tadakatsu Honda         (1)   | Initially available
Zhang Fei               (2)   | Initially available
Guan Ping               (2)   | Initially available
Zhang Liao              (2)   | Clear Shu #5 - Battle of Jia Meng Gate
Pang De                 (2)   | Clear Wu #5 - Battle of Okehazama
Sun Ce                  (2)   | Clear Wu #4 - Battle of Itsukushima 
Dong Zhuo               (2)   | Initially available
Zhu Rong                (2)   | Clear Wu #3 - Battle of Nan Zhong
Goemon Ishikawa         (2)   | Clear Wu #2 - Battle of Kanegasaki
Kenshin Uesugi          (2)   | Clear Samurai #3 - Battle of Hasedo
                              |   or  Orochi #4 - Battle of He Fei
Xu Zhu                  (3)   | Clear Wu #5 - Battle of Okehazama

Huang Gai               (3)   | Initially available
Keiji Maeda             (3)   | Clear Orochi #1 - Battle of Odawara Castle
Guan Yu                 (4)   | Initially available
Ma Chao                 (4)   | Clear Wu #6 - Battle of Yang Ping Gate
Lu Bu                   (4)   | Clear Wu #8 - Battle of Chi Bi
Yoshihiro Shimazu       (4)   | Initially available

-   Speed    -    20 total    -  How to unlock                               -
Yue Ying                (1)   | Clear Shu #6 - Battle of Odani Castle
Yuan Shao               (1)   | Clear Wei #3 - Battle of Shizugatake
Liu Bei                 (2)   | Initially available
Lu Xun                  (2)   | Clear Shu #3 - Battle of Nagashino
Da Qiao                 (2)   | Clear Wu #4 - Battle of Itsukushima
Diao Chan               (2)   | Clear Wu #8 - Battle of Chi Bi
Okuni                   (2)   | Initially available
Magoichi Saika          (2)   | Clear Wei #4 - Battle of Ji Castle
Hideyoshi Toyotomi      (2)   | Clear Samurai #6 - Battle of Hu Lao Gate
Musashi Miyamoto        (2)   | Initially available
                              |   or  Orochi #4 - Battle of He Fei
Huang Zhong             (3)   | Initially available
Dian Wei                (3)   | Initially available
Zhou Yu                 (3)   | Clear Wu #2 - Battle of Kanegasaki
Zhang Jiao              (3)   | Clear Samurai #1 - Battle of Lou Sang
Yukimura Sanada         (3)   | Clear Samurai #2 - Battle of Ji Province
Oichi                   (3)   | Clear Wei #6 - Battle of Yamatai
Zhao Yun                (4)   | Clear Shu #2 - Battle of Saika
Xu Huang                (4)   | Initially available
Cao Pi                  (4)   | Clear Wei #5 - Battle of Komaki-Nagakute
Hanzo Hattori           (4)   | Initially available

-  Technique   -   20 total   -  How to unlock                               -
Wei Yan                 (1)   | Clear Shu #2 - Battle of Saika
Xing Cai                (1)   | Initially available
Sima Yi                 (1)   | Clear Samurai #4 - Battle of Chang Ban
Xiao Qiao               (1)   | Clear Wu #2 - Battle of Kanegasaki
Noh                     (1)   | Clear Samurai #6 - Battle of Hu Lao Gate
Jiang Wei               (2)   | Clear Wei #3 - Battle of Shizugatake
Pang Tong               (2)   | Clear Wei #5 - Battle of Komaki-Nagakute
Zhang He                (2)   | Initially available
Zhen Ji                 (2)   | Clear Wei #5 - Battle of Komaki-Nagakute
Gan Ning                (2)   | Clear Samurai #5 - Battle of Liang Province
Ling Tong               (2)   | Initially available
Mitsunari Ishida        (2)   | Clear Wei #7 - Battle of Tong Gate
Xiahou Dun              (3)   | Clear Wei #2 - Battle of Si Shui Gate
Cao Cao                 (3)   | Initially available
Zhou Tai                (3)   | Initially available
Masamune Date           (3)   | Clear Orochi #5 - Battle of Edo Castle
Nene                    (3)   | Clear Shu #4 - Battle of Mt. Wu Xing
Sun Shang Xiang         (4)   | Initially available
Zuo Ci                  (4)   | Clear Shu #1 - Battle of Shi Ting
Mitsuhide Akechi        (4)   | Clear Shu #4 - Battle of Mt. Wu Xing

-   Boost    -    20 total    -  How to unlock                               -
Lu Meng                 (1)   | Clear Samurai #5 - Battle of Liang Province
Orochi                  (1)   | Initially available
Nobunaga Oda            (1)   | Clear Wei #7 - Battle of Tong Gate
                              |   or  Samurai #6 - Battle of Hu Lao Gate
Ranmaru Mori            (1)   | Initially available
Zhuge Liang             (2)   | Clear Shu #6-Battle of Odani Castle
                              |   or  Orochi #2 - Battle of Cheng Du
Cao Ren                 (2)   | Clear Wei #5 - Battle of Komaki-Nagakute
Kunoichi                (2)   | Initially available
Ina                     (2)   | Initially available
Ieyasu Tokugawa         (2)   | Initially available
Kanetsugu Naoe          (2)   | Clear Samurai #3 - Battle of Hasedo
Kotaro Fuma             (2)   | Clear Orochi #1 - Battle of Odawara Castle
Cao Pi                  (3)   | Clear Wei #5 - Battle of Komaki-Nagakute
Taishi Ci               (3)   | Clear Wei #3 - Battle of Shizugatake
Sun Jian                (3)   | Initially available
Da Ji                   (3)   | Initially available
Yoshimoto Imagawa       (3)   | Initially available
Sakon Shima             (3)   | Initially available
Ginchiyo Tachibana      (3)   | Initially available
Shingen Takeda          (4)   | Clear Samurai #2 - Battle of Ji Province
Nagamasa Azai           (4)   | Clear Wei #6 - Battle of Yamatai

-  Awakening   -   20 total   -  How to unlock                               -
Zhuge Liang             (1)   | Clear Shu #6-Battle of Odani Castle
                              |   or  Orochi #2 - Battle of Cheng Du
Yue Ying                (2)   | Clear Shu #6 - Battle of Odani Castle
Xiahou Yuan             (2)   | Clear Wei #2 - Battle of Si Shui Gate
Sima Yi                 (2)   | Clear Samurai #4 - Battle of Chang Ban
Lu Meng                 (2)   | Clear Samurai #5 - Battle of Liang Province
Gan Ning                (1)   | Clear Samurai #5 - Battle of Liang Province
Kenshin Uesugi          (1)   | Clear Samurai #3 - Battle of Hasedo
Nagamasa Azai           (1)   | Clear Wei #6 - Battle of Yamatai
Jiang Wei               (3)   | Clear Wei #3 - Battle of Shizugatake
Pang Tong               (3)   | Clear Wei #5 - Battle of Komaki-Nagakute
Lu Xun                  (3)   | Clear Shu #3 - Battle of Nagashino
Sun Ce                  (3)   | Clear Wu #4 - Battle of Itsukushima 
                              |   or  Orochi #4 - Battle of He Fei
Zhu Rong                (3)   | Clear Wu #3 - Battle of Nan Zhong
Goemon Ishikawa         (3)   | Clear Wu #2 - Battle of Kanegasaki
Pang De                 (4)   | Clear Wu #5 - Battle of Okehazama
Zhou Yu                 (4)   | Clear Wu #2 - Battle of Kanegasaki
Sun Quan                (4)   | Initially available
Zhang Jiao              (4)   | Clear Samurai #1 - Battle of Lou Sang
Ranmaru Mori            (4)   | Initially available
Ieyasu Tokugawa         (4)   | Initially available

-   Acclaim   -   20 total    -  How to unlock                               -
Zuo Ci                  (1)   | Clear Shu #1 - Battle of Shi Ting
Cao Cao                 (2)   | Initially available
Cao Pi                  (2)   | Clear Wei #5 - Battle of Komaki-Nagakute
Sun Jian                (2)   | Initially available
Orochi                  (2)   | Initially available
Shingen Takeda          (2)   | Clear Samurai #2 - Battle of Ji Province
Guan Ping               (3)   | Initially available
Pang De                 (3)   | Clear Wu #5 - Battle of Okehazama
Sun Quan                (3)   | Initially available
Lu Meng                 (3)   | Clear Samurai #5 - Battle of Liang Province
Yuan Shao               (3)   | Clear Wei #3 - Battle of Shizugatake
Nobunaga Oda            (3)   | Clear Wei #7 - Battle of Tong Gate
                              |   or  Samurai #6 - Battle of Hu Lao Gate
Dian Wei                (4)   | Initially available
Taishi Ci               (4)   | Clear Wei #3 - Battle of Shizugatake
Sun Ce                  (4)   | Clear Wu #4 - Battle of Itsukushima 
                              |   or  Orochi #4 - Battle of He Fei
Huang Gai               (4)   | Initially available
Meng Huo                (4)   | Clear Wu #3 - Battle of Nan Zhong
Kenshin Uesugi          (4)   | Clear Samurai #3 - Battle of Hasedo
Hideyoshi Toyotomi      (4)   | Clear Samurai #6 - Battle of Hu Lao Gate
Tadakatsu Honda         (4)   | Initially available

-  Recuperate  -   15 total   -  How to unlock                               -
Nu Wa                   (1)   | Initially available
Magoichi Saika          (1)   | Clear Wei #4 - Battle of Ji Castle
Motochika Chosokabe     (1)   | Initially available
Kiyomori Taira          (2)   | Clear Samurai #8 - Battle of Sekigahara
Oichi                   (2)   | Clear Wei #6 - Battle of Yamatai
Hanzo Hattori           (2)   | Initially available
Kojiro Sasaki           (2)   | Clear Samurai #2 - Battle of Ji Province
Cao Ren                 (3)   | Clear Wei #5 - Battle of Komaki-Nagakute
Da Qiao                 (3)   | Clear Wu #4 - Battle of Itsukushima
                              |   or  Orochi #4 - Battle of He Fei
Dong Zhuo               (3)   | Initially available
Taigong Wang            (3)   | Clear Shu #1 - Battle of Shi Ting
Ina                     (3)   | Initially available
Jiang Wei               (4)   | Clear Wei #3 - Battle of Shizugatake
Zhou Tai                (4)   | Initially available
Nene                    (4)   | Clear Shu #4 - Battle of Mt. Wu Xing

-  Conserve   -    15 total   -  How to unlock                               -
Sun Wukong              (1)   | Clear Wei #8 - Battle of Guan Du
Mitsunari Ishida        (1)   | Clear Wei #7 - Battle of Tong Gate
Nu Wa                   (2)   | Initially available
Nagamasa Azai           (2)   | Clear Wei #6 - Battle of Yamatai
Sakon Shima             (2)   | Initially available
Motochika Chosokabe     (2)   | Initially available
Yue Ying                (3)   | Clear Shu #6 - Battle of Odani Castle
Sima Yi                 (3)   | Clear Samurai #4 - Battle of Chang Ban
Kiyomori Taira          (3)   | Clear Samurai #8 - Battle of Sekigahara
Kanetsugu Naoe          (3)   | Clear Samurai #3 - Battle of Hasedo
Kojiro Sasaki           (3)   | Clear Samurai #2 - Battle of Ji Province
Zhuge Liang             (4)   | Clear Shu #6-Battle of Odani Castle
                              |   or  Orochi #2 - Battle of Cheng Du
Pang Tong               (4)   | Clear Wei #5 - Battle of Komaki-Nagakute
Lu Xun                  (4)   | Clear Shu #3 - Battle of Nagashino
Zhu Rong                (4)   | Clear Wu #3 - Battle of Nan Zhong

-  Adrenalin   -   15 total   -  How to unlock                               -
Zhou Yu                 (1)   | Clear Wu #2 - Battle of Kanegasaki
Himiko                  (1)   | Clear Shu #8 - Battle of Wu Zhang Plains
Katsuie Shibata         (1)   | Clear Wei #7 - Battle of Tong Gate
Xiahou Dun              (2)   | Clear Wei #2 - Battle of Si Shui Gate
Sun Shang Xiang         (2)   | Initially available
Da Ji                   (2)   | Initially available
Sun Wukong              (2)   | Clear Wei #8 - Battle of Guan Du
Zhang He                (3)   | Initially available
Ling Tong               (3)   | Initially available
Nu Wa                   (3)   | Initially available
Kotaro Fuma             (3)   | Clear Orochi #1 - Battle of Odawara Castle
Musashi Miyamoto        (3)   | Initially available
Motochika Chosokabe     (3)   | Initially available
Gan Ning                (4)   | Clear Samurai #5 - Battle of Liang Province
Yukimura Sanada         (4)   | Clear Samurai #2 - Battle of Ji Province

-   Recover   -   15 total    -  How to unlock                               -
Huang Zhong             (1)   | Initially available
Yoshitsune Minamoto     (1)   | Clear Wu #1 - Battle of Ru Xu Kou
Gracia                  (1)   | Clear Wei #4 - Battle of Mt. Wu Xing
Zhang Jiao              (2)   | Clear Samurai #1 - Battle of Lou Sang
Himiko                  (2)   | Clear Shu #8 - Battle of Wu Zhang Plains
Masamune Date           (2)   | Clear Orochi #5 - Battle of Edo Castle
Katsuie Shibata         (2)   | Clear Wei #7 - Battle of Tong Gate
Zhen Ji                 (3)   | Clear Wei #5 - Battle of Komaki-Nagakute
Diao Chan               (3)   | Clear Wu #8 - Battle of Chi Bi
Sun Wukong              (3)   | Clear Wei #8 - Battle of Guan Du
Kunoichi                (3)   | Initially available
Noh                     (3)   | Clear Samurai #6 - Battle of Hu Lao Gate
Xiahou Yuan             (4)   | Clear Wei #2 - Battle of Si Shui Gate
Goemon Ishikawa         (4)   | Clear Wu #2 - Battle of Kanegasaki
Okuni                   (4)   | Initially available

-   Refill   -    15 total    -  How to unlock                               -
Xu Huang                (1)   | Initially available
Fu Xi                   (1)   | Clear Samurai #3 - Battle of Hasedo
Toshiie Maeda           (1)   | Clear Wei #4 - Battle of Ji Castle
Zhao Yun                (2)   | Clear Shu #2 - Battle of Saika
Yoshitsune Minamoto     (2)   | Clear Wu #1 - Battle of Ru Xu Kou
Gracia                  (2)   | Clear Wei #4 - Battle of Mt. Wu Xing
Wei Yan                 (3)   | Clear Shu #2 - Battle of Saika
Xing Cai                (3)   | Initially available
Xiao Qiao               (3)   | Clear Wu #2 - Battle of Kanegasaki
Orochi                  (3)   | Initially available
Ranmaru Mori            (3)   | Initially available
Katsuie Shibata         (3)   | Clear Wei #7 - Battle of Tong Gate
Zhang Fei               (4)   | Initially available
Xu Zhu                  (4)   | Clear Wu #5 - Battle of Okehazama
Ginchiyo Tachibana      (4)   | Initially available

In Conclusion                                                            [ICN]

Well, this was my FAQ, I hope it will be or has been of much use to you.
If you have any questions or remarks about this guide, feel free to e-mail me,
but since this guide is only about abilities, and since abilities are pretty
straight-forward, I don't think there will be many. But feel free anyway.
Be sure to fill in 'Warriors Orochi 2 question/remark' in the subject field,
any other e-mails will automatically go to Junk.

Thanks for KOEI for once again making a pretty great game, though I'm still
hoping for that one game which will feature the voices in Japanese (or Chinese
for Dynasty Warriors), and English text. It would make the game so much 
better, at least in my opinion.

Credits for skills of the characters from Warriors Orochi 1 (they're the same
as in Warriors Orochi 2) go to opfer_gv, great work dude! ^^
Credits for skills of the new characters go to AshenSky, thanks! ^^
Credits on how to unlock characters go to "ste123u".

This FAQ may only be posted on GameFAQs, Neoseeker, Supercheats, Gamesradar,
and Cheatplanet. 
If you're reading this on a different site, please let me know.

Copyright 2009 by Daan Spoor. This document may not be redistributed in 
any form unless you have obtained permission from the creator (namely, me).


[end of file]

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